So after doing all the work to get to this stage, its time (finally) to actually MAKE the pen.
The pens are squared up using a special tool, and mounted on the lathe.
I then begin to cut the pens. Much of my work is with a special tool called a ‘skew’ Tricky to work with but it makes a beautiful almost finish ready cut to the wood. If you look at the pictures below, you’ll see I am slicing away paper thin shavings off the wood.
The end result: a beautifully prepared piece of wood. You notice the knots and defects in the wood? Those carefully captured paper shavings I sliced off get carefully blended into the defects, sealed in place with an industrial strength adhesive and polished.
I then apply some finishing dye to the pens, and organize them in time for polishing on a diamond paste impregnated polishing wheel.
And the final result:
Next steps: assembly